Never forget where you come from
Never forget where you come from
Last week, I was traveling to speak at CityJs + HalfStack Conf Belgrade, and suddenly, I thought about my past.

Celebrating One Year at Celonis: My journey
Celebrating One Year at Celonis: My journey
Today is a speacial day, I completed one year at Celonis. I am sharing my reflections on the past year and my plans for the future.

Contribute to Open Source:A Comprehensive Guide for Everyone
Contribute to Open Source:A Comprehensive Guide for Everyone
I often get this question "How can I contribute to Open Source." It's time I put my experience and suggestions in a blog.
Angular: The Framework of Past, Present, and Future
Angular: The Framework of Past, Present, and Future
I started using Angular in 2017 when version 4 was released. And I have seen this framework growing since then.

How GitHub is Improving Developer Experience
How GitHub is Improving Developer Experience
In the last couple of years, the number of developers contributing to Open Source has grown exponentially. The Github team deserves all praise.

Why and How we migrated to Nx from Angular CLI
Why and How we migrated to Nx from Angular CLI
We finished migrating to Nx from Angular CLI last year, and it was one of the biggest restructure we did. This post will cover why we decided to do it.